Hi there, my name is…

Dr. Danielle Brosseau

Photo of Dr. Danielle Brosseau

Registered Psychologist • she/her

I provide sessions for…

☑ Adults

In my office there is space for you to explore the hard things and feel supported in making changes to cope more effectively.

I am passionate about coming alongside people who are facing a difficult challenge and working with them to understand themselves and their situation in a deeper way and to develop skills that build confidence for coping with the difficult circumstances. I am action-oriented and interested in providing opportunities for people to experiment with new tools and strategies that can improve their mental health and coping efforts.

I also specialize in treating adults and older teens who are coping with a physical illness, cancer in particular. This includes family members who are coping with a loved one’s illness. I support people at various stages of the illness experience, from coping with an initial diagnosis to adjusting to lasting changes imposed by the illness or its treatment.

In my practice, I believe that every person can find ways to flourish and my goal is to support them in this process.

When I’m not in my office, you can find me…

Trying out a new café in my search for the best coffee, food, and cozy atmosphere combination in Edmonton, attempting to keep up with my kids’ latest interests (hence the coffee!!), or meeting a close friend for a catch-up.

In Danielle’s words…

My words to live by are…

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves”

  • Viktor Frankl

For me, this quote reflects the experience of seeing clients gain confidence to cope with what once felt extremely overwhelming. As the quote highlights, we may experience painful circumstances that cannot be changed but, with support, we can learn how to adjust, take comfort in knowing we are not alone, and even find ways to live with a great loss.

Contact takecare@strathearnpsychology.com to schedule an appointment with Danielle.